[dgplug-users] OBM bi-weekly stand up meetings from December 17, 2018

Shakthi Kannan author at shakthimaan.com
Thu Dec 13 21:37:34 PST 2018


I would like to schedule bi-weekly stand up meetings on IRC for the participants in OBM.

The objective is to sync-up every few days and provide the following information:

1. What was accomplished so far?
2. What will be attempted next?
3. What problems or blockers are you facing?

Some of us work during the day, and others at night, and hence afternoon should be a good time.

I suggest having the quick (not more than five minutes) sync-up meeting at 14:00 IST on Monday and Thursday, every week, on #dgplug at irc.freenode.net.

Please also read:


We will start from Monday, December 17, 2018.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Shakthi Kannan

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